Sarah Field
Terms and Conditions
Treatment may include acupuncture, electro acupuncture, direct and indirect moxibustion, cupping and massage, gua sha and other techniques. You may experience minor discomfort and possible irritation or bruising to the skin.

You are aware of the risks listed above and agree to proceed with the treatment as explained totally at your own risk. You acknowledge there are no claims of guaranteed success or effectiveness of the treatment.

If you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice you may still be charged and that if you arrive more than ten minutes late it may not be possible for you to receive treatment but you may still be charged.

Treatment is provided at the practitioner's discretion and may be withdrawn at any time.
British Acupuncture Council Member Professional Standards Authority Accredited Member
5 Finsbury Avenue, Loughborough, LE11 1RN
Phone/Text 07815 760118
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